What we offer
Grace House provides intake and assessment, case management, counseling services, education, biblical studies, and personal development to ensure future success.
We offer a one year journey that will take each mother through a life-altering program. If you would like to apply to Grace House please click here : https://linktr.ee/gracehousetxk

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Who we serve
Target Population
We serve Texarkana, a twin city within the state of Arkansas and Texas.
According to the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy (2014), Texas ranks number four in teen births and has the highest rate of repeat teen births in the United States. This population is also more likely to experience poverty, abuse, developmental and health issues that other populations. We are seeking funding to continue to provide services to this specialized population and their future children.
According to Arkansas advocated for children and families, Arkansas continues to have the highest teen birth rate in the United States. For the past six consecutive years, Arkansas has come in last place — 50th out of the 50 states. The teen birth rate in Arkansas is 30 per 1,000 females ages 15-19, almost double the national average of 17 per 1,000.
Grace House will be comprised of expectant mothers/or mothers within the age range of 17-27 who have been displaced, homeless, at-risk for homelessness, and agree to participate in the programs to reach self-sufficiency.